Motive International hosted strategists, practitioners, software engineers, and researchers at the University of Mississippi's National Center for Narrative Intelligence for a Narrative Constructs in Joint Operations working group, a collaborative forum focused on examining the role of narrative as a strategic tool in modern military and information operations.
Countering Adversary Efforts to Divert Sensitive Technologies
Malign actors have recently increased their efforts to gain access to strategic and sensitive technologies that can provide an advantage on the battlefield, a threat that requires urgent understanding and response. This threat is particularly acute in the Baltic states, which face a unique set of circumstances in the control of strategic goods. The Baltics are home to some of the EU’s most vibrant innovation ecosystems, which excel in the development of technologies most desired by malign actors seeking to develop advanced weapons, including autonomous weapons.[1] Baltic industry and academia produce world-class artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML), sensor technology, blockchain encryption, machine vision, robotics, and other emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs). Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has increased Kremlin demand for these military-relevant technologies and intensified malign efforts to acquire them from nearby Baltic states. Our extensive engagement culminated in tabletop exercises (TTXs) hosted by Motive International in late 2022 that simulated malign actor diversion tactics against government and industry in the Baltics and illuminated regulatory and capability gaps and opportunities to strengthen policy and practice. Recommendations include specific changes in how industry, government, and multi-lateral organizations identify threats and collaborate to counter them.
The Innovators Next Door Project
In 2021, Motive International, funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) Program, launched the Innovators Next Door Project in partnership Lithuania’s and Latvia’s Ministries of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and industry partners in Estonia. In the Project’s first year, Motive meticulously mapped each country’s stakeholder and threat landscape, carried out expert analysis of national and Baltic-wide technology diversion dynamics, and engaged extensively with hundreds of representatives from industry, academia, civil society, national governments, and the European Commission. These activities informed in-person tabletop exercises (TTX) in Vilnius and Riga in October 2022. The TTXs presented government and industry stakeholders with simulated diversion threat scenarios, prompting them to respond through interactive gameplay. Motive facilitated and scored the game based on how well participants were able to recognize and mitigate diversion risks. Following the exercise, national policy leaders, legal experts, and industry executives led workshops to discuss gaps revealed in the exercise and identify concrete options to strengthen counter-diversion policy, practice, and cross-sector coordination. Project findings and recommendations are presented below.
Gaps in Prevailing Policy and Practice
Transatlantic alignment and coordination on sanctions, export control regimes, and investment screening is robust, yet significant policy and practice gaps remain. Several categories or sub-categories of dual-use technology (e.g., some quantum, biotechnology, advanced material, and software) are not subject to licensing or reporting requirements under EU regimes. Furthermore, U.S. and EU export controls lack the ability or authority to regulate certain intangible technology transfers (ITT). Many European governments lack adequate foreign investment screening regulations or treat foreign investment separately from strategic goods control. Such policy gaps allow malign actors to acquire sensitive items through lawful means including purchases, joint research, mergers and acquisitions.
In addition to regulatory gaps, most governments around the world have sub-optimal mechanisms to coordinate with the entities whose technologies face the greatest risk for diversion, namely industry and academic institutions that handle EDTs. The lack of familiarity and trust between government and industry, bandwidth constraints, and absence of formal mandates for governments to conduct industry outreach contribute to sub-optimal coordination. The uptick in diversion attempts by Kremlin actors has magnified this shortcoming. This is particularly true in industry segments such as autonomy-enabling AI/ML algorithms, sensor integration software, and cloud data platforms, which are largely ungoverned by export control regimes and where government-to-industry connections are most nascent. Mounting evidence shows these are precisely the segments of greatest interest to military and intelligence apparatuses of Russia, China, and others, underscoring the need for improved coordination as an important counter-diversion safeguard.[2]
Recent diversion incidents offer evidence of this need. In 2018, Russian operatives targeted an unsuspecting cloud computing company in Lithuania to divert software and data for use in Kremlin missile launching systems. [3] Despite working in a sensitive domain, the Lithuanian firm had not considered the possible military applications of their technology and therefore lacked basic safeguards to prevent nefarious acquisition of their data or software. While the Lithuanian government used its investment screening mechanisms to stop a Kremlin-backed company from investing in the Lithuanian firm, this example demonstrates that, absent government outreach, firms and institutions that transact largely in the commercial, non-security sector, remain unaware of the dual-use nature of their innovations, much less of policies and practices related to strategic goods control.
Key Findings
By deeply examining and simulating the dynamics described above with regional stakeholders, Motive’s Innovators Next Door Project identified the following gaps and conditions as key contributing factors to unmitigated diversion risk in the Baltic tech sector:
Export Control Loopholes: Existing national export control regimes in the region do not adequately address “grey zone” items and situations. For example, export control lists maintained in EU framework law (Regulation (EU) 2021/821) that correspond with national regulations exclude entire categories of dual-use EDTs (e.g., most software and some advanced hardware), leaving sensitive technologies outside the jurisdiction of most regulatory controls. Moreover, myriad situations involving intangible technology transfers (ITT) are not subject to export licensing or reporting requirements.
Divergent National Regulations: Although the EU’s export control regime falls under EU common trade policy, individual member states have discretion to implement frameworks with wide latitude and have minimal obligations to enforce or honor determinations made by other member states. This means an export license or investment denial made by one competent authority does not guarantee a neighboring EU state will make the same decision for the identical transaction. In other words, the denial of an export license in one member state is not binding on other member states. Rules surrounding government obligations to report or share information or rationale on license denials is voluntary and can be inconsistent, limiting the effectiveness of systems intended to harmonize export controls across the EU. Divergent national regulation undermines the idea of a common application of export controls and incentivizes both licit and illicit actors to seek out more lenient states in which to operate.
Oversight Blind Spots: Although transactions for items not on the EU export control list can be denied by national authorities under “catch all” authority, this rarely occurs because authorities are not generally aware of transactions involving “unlisted” items. In other words, regulators cannot regulate what they are not aware of. Compounding blind spots is a general hesitation among officials to exercise catch all denial authority, if and when they do identify a suspicious transaction.
Unique Aspects of Non-Traditional Exports: There is uncertainty at the EU and national levels about jurisdiction over strategic goods transactions that take place entirely in the cyber domain, such as software transfers, and those that involve transfer of items to foreign entities or individuals physically present in the EU – a situation referred to as “deemed” exports in the U.S. context. These kinds of transactions remain largely ungoverned, allowing malign actors to acquire sensitive items and know-how lawfully simply by transacting while physically present in the EU or on digital platforms that lack clear national jurisdiction.
Foreign Investment Vulnerabilities: Many countries have procedures for export control and foreign investment screening, but the two are often applied separately, with the latter not routinely viewed through the lens of strategic goods control. As a result, a nefarious actor may gain access to sensitive EDTs by becoming a beneficiary of a firm in an industry segment not routinely subject to foreign investment screening. Furthermore, most foreign investment restrictions only apply when the total value or beneficiary share is above a certain threshold, allowing foreign access to sensitive technologies or IP through small-scale investments.
Lack of Integration with Business Promotion Arms of Government: Government investment and innovation promotion agencies tend not to be meaningfully engaged in strategic goods control within their own governments, which both misses opportunities for inter-ministerial information exchange and may create risk. Business promotion agencies have unique insights on market dynamics that could enrich the government’s threat picture or provide actionable information on specific licensing or investment cases if they were better integrated in strategic goods regulation. Moreover, more integration could reduce the risk of business promotion agencies inadvertently enabling nefarious foreign investments or cross-border collaborations.
Minimal Government-Industry Collaboration: Last, but perhaps our most significant and addressable finding, is the lack of effective mechanisms for strategic goods regulators to interact with the industry actors at greatest risk of having their technologies targeted for diversion. Few channels exist for officials to educate industry about threats or for the two sectors to exchange information on issues of concern. This prevents the two sides from enhancing their collective threat picture, results in industry being uninformed of current policies, and forecloses opportunities to craft policy that protects national security and business interests. It also limits government visibility and understanding of “grey zone” transactions and trends described above. In some cases, lack of cross-sector interaction stems from distrust or wariness of government, with firms routinely finding ways to operate just below the threshold of regulatory reach to reduce compliance burdens, minimize delays, or simply to avoid interacting with government. While firms that serve the defense and broader government sector often interact with strategic goods regulators, EDT developers that engage purely in commercial transactions or academic research are often unaware of the dual use potential of their technology and even less aware of policies and best practices to safeguard it. This leaves unsuspecting firms – often in the segments of greatest interest to malign actors -- highly vulnerable to diversion tactics.
A Way Forward: A Capability-Based Approach
While current conditions allow weapons-relevant technologies to proliferate, opportunities to reduce risk abound. The Innovators Next Door Project articulated core government and industry capabilities that can significantly reduce diversion risks and safeguard strategic goods (Table 1.) The Project’s simulation-based learning and cross-sector dialogue helped reveal and address capability shortfalls and demonstrated the extent to which risk can be reduced when stakeholders are proficient in these knowledge and skill areas.
Table 1. Core Capabilities for Reducing Diversion Risks
Within and far beyond the Baltics, this capability-based framework has broad geographic relevance and could set the stage for a new international paradigm for strategic goods control. Such a paradigm expands the frame beyond an “export control” issue, rethinks prevailing policy and practice, prioritizes coordination within and beyond governments, and is guided by the following principles:
· Understanding that government strategic goods control structures and processes must be inter-disciplinary, agile, proactive, and adaptive;
· Appreciating that industry has a wide range of vital, often voluntary, tools to mitigate diversion risks and should be treated by governments as partners;
· Accepting that formal regulations cannot cover every possible scenario, item, or entity involved in diversion risks; and
· Recognizing that controls come with trade-offs in innovation and must be carefully balanced.
In response to the findings above, and consistent with the strategic goods control paradigm above, Motive and our Project stakeholders developed the following recommended actions for industry and government consideration:
Sharpen Government Roles and Responsibilities: Governments could designate a single national focal point with the mandate and stature to engage at a whole of government scale and serve as a single point of entry for industry and academia when it comes to strategic goods control. Inter-ministerial commissions and cooperation frameworks are a start, but often lack sufficient aperture or authority to overcome intra-government silos or lack the mandate to proactively engage with non-governmental stakeholders. We recommend that outreach to industry and academia be an explicit function - on par with licensing, investment screening, policy formulation, and threat monitoring - of national focal point entities.
Re-Imagine Government-Industry Collaboration: Those who develop and trade in dual use technologies have a vested interest in preventing diversion and nefarious use of these goods both as a matter of protecting proprietary innovations and market-wide reputations. For this reason, we encourage policy and regulatory officials to view industry and academia as partners in strategic goods control and to pro-actively set-up mechanisms that facilitate cross-sector collaboration. These might include:
· Channels for government to disseminate threat and regulatory updates directly to industry or through industry association or cluster entity nodes, especially those active in high-risk EDT segments.
· Portals that allow industry to submit inquiries to government – potentially anonymously - and receive timely responses related to compliance, specific transactions, or the risk landscape.
· Mechanisms that enable government officials to easily access industry experts for case-specific consultations or for inputs to new policies or strategies.
· Collaborative efforts to map and maintain updated listings of firms and institutes that develop or trade in certain EDTs, with mutual agreement on how this list will/will not be used or disclosed, such as for outreach in the spirit of partnership not enforcement or oversight.
· Co-created standards and frameworks for determining dual use applications of commercial EDTs and for identifying technologies at highest risk of diversion.
· Forums that bring together industry, strategic goods officials, and business promotion agency representatives to discuss emerging trends and align standards and strategies.
· Specific mandates for industry associations or cluster entities to take on a coordination role between government and industry and/or to serve as an advisory body to government on strategic goods control matters that impact their constituents.
· Webinars, online resources, or events organized by government that help industry adopt Know Your Customer (KYC) and related due diligence best practices, Internal Compliance Programs (ICPs) tailored for EDT segments and entities of various sizes/stages, and other safeguards.
· On-demand consults with government or self-help resources that allow firms to create an index of the items they handle, cross-referenced with the relevant export controls, sanctions, investment screening requirements, or reporting that is either required or recommended for each item.
Improve Multilateral Alignment: The EU and EU member states, along with the United States and other leading innovating economies could work toward developing a “Common Operating Picture” of technology diversion vulnerabilities and set new standards for strategic goods control best practices. This could start with the adoption of the core capabilities framework presented above and a commitment to achieving proficiency in each area. Additionally, we recommend the following options for specific key institutions:
· The EU’s Working Party on Dual-Use Goods could document and share best practices from across member states of industry outreach mechanisms, work to harmonize member state export control lists and investment screening regimes, and application of catch-all authorities.
· NATO could establish a Centre of Excellence on Sensitive Dual-Use Technologies that develops a training curriculum on strategic goods control best practices for governments and industry in member states; NATO could also ensure the forthcoming Defense Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) requires participating entities to demonstrate best practices for protecting their technologies from diversion, such as having ICPs tailored to their organization.
· A G7 Working Group on Strategic Trade Controls could coordinate G7 counter-diversion policies and practices as a complement to the work of G7 Foreign and Trade Ministers on Russia sanctions, global trade flows, and supply chain resiliency.
· A dialogue with key partners in Asia could be established to examine and share information about the diversion tactics and techniques used by the PRC and their state-aligned entities, then proactively educate industry in the region and encourage them to embrace capabilities and best practices described in this paper.
Countries with vibrant EDT ecosystems and proximity to adversaries are particularly vulnerable to the threat of technology diversion. The Baltic states offer illustrative examples. The region’s relatively small number of affected industry entities, and capable, open governments create conditions for targeted policy reforms and intimate cross-sector collaboration. That said, we believe the Innovators Next Door Project approach and findings have relevance well beyond the Baltics to national and regional context across the globe. We believe a capability-based framework and partnership-oriented mindset between government and industry - no matter the geography – are key to thwart diversion of sensitive technologies while balancing national security imperatives with diverse stakeholder interests.
[1] Technologies covered include robotics, machine vision, artificial intelligence/machine learning, blockchain, encryption, sensors and IT networking,
[3]Lithuanian Ministry of Defence, National Threat Assessment, 2019.
Relevant, Relatable, Durable: A Winning Formula for the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Latin America and Beyond
In September 2022, the U.S. government’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG) hosted the week-long Panama Workshop at which Motive’s Ana Velsco served as an expert WPS facilitator. Designed to advance shared U.S.-Panama WPS goals, event participants included more than two dozen uniformed and civilian, male and female officials from different branches of Panama’s security agencies. Co-facilitators included officials from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and academia.
Instead of informing Panamanian officials about the goals or principles of UNSCR 1325, co-facilitators sought to explore complex themes of gender and security through various framing questions. Why should a patrol officer guarding the Darien Gap think about gender? What use does a UN framework have for a police officer in the city of Colon? Is the WPS agenda -- often couched in the context of inter-state war -- even relevant for Latin America? As opposed to lecture-based approaches that can reduce gender and security to mere abstractions, the ensuing dialogue made WPS relevant, relatable, and durable.
Advising for Strategic Security Force Assistance Effects
Motive Subject Matter Expert Nathan Toronto shares how his recent experience advising the 3rd Security Force Assistance Brigade (3rd SFAB) and reflecting on “how the United States can reform military advising efforts to have a strategic effect, rather than achieving short-term tactical or operational gains that do not bear up under the weight of the overarching political conflict,” prompted him to consider the question “How does the Army know when an advisor is ready to deploy?”
Countering Hybrid Warfare: Mapping Social Contracts to Reinforce Societal Resiliency in Estonia and Beyond
Salamah Magnuson, Morgan Keay, Kimberly Metcalf
Kremlin-backed hybrid warfare — a whole-of-society warfare on the political, economic, and social fabric of societies — has put states in the Kremlin’s crosshairs on high alert. These states remain vulnerable to hybrid threats partly because they lack appropriate tools to identify and mitigate efforts that foment political instability. Motive International developed the Social Contract Assessment Tool (SCAT) and applied a society-centric analysis in Estonia to evaluate vulnerability to or resilience against hybrid threats. Our research revealed that ethnic-Russian Estonians who speak Russian as the primary household language perceive institutions that embrace their dual identity as Estonian citizens and as ethnic Russians as legitimate and perceive institutions that challenge this dual identity as divisive. This research demonstrated the utility of the SCAT to characterize social cohesion relevant to national policy, security, and civil resistance efforts in the context of hybrid warfare.
Read on in Texas National Security Review Vol 5, Iss 2 Spring 2022
A proposal for a new Western policy on the Russia-Ukraine conflict: re-position to de-escalate
Opening a Conversation About Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS)
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, and related emerging technologies are reshaping how policymakers and strategists think about national security, strategic stability, and conflict mitigation. These emerging technologies offer the prospect of exponentially faster and more accurate analysis and decision-making, more secure communications, more resilient networks, more precise and cost-effective application of resources, and more comprehensive understanding of the environment in which an individual, company, or government operates. Mastering the development and deployment of these technologies would dramatically enhance a country’s military, economic, and diplomatic capabilities, which is why most countries are rushing to deepen their understanding of AI and expand research and development in AI-related applications.
While some of these technologies are thought to be years away from widespread practical application -– for example, quantum technology or biotechnology for human enhancement – others like AI and machine learning are already being used today in almost all facets of life, including national security. One of the most significant new technologies impacting U.S. national security and the U.S. Department of Defense’s assessment of current and future threats is AI-based autonomous decision-making and its potential use in lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS), defined as weapons that are designed to independently select and engage targets without the need for human control. [1] LAWS present us with a thought-provoking array of problem-sets, as the technology is advancing far faster than U.S. policymaking and international diplomatic negotiations can keep pace. Several dozen countries and over 100 non-governmental organizations are demanding that the international community agree under UN auspices to ban LAWS because of ethical concerns over algorithms making lethal decisions autonomously. But U.S. state competitors like China and Russia, not to mention potential non-state adversaries, are already developing and exporting potentially autonomous weapon systems. The incoming Biden Administration will soon be confronted with important decision points about the USG’s R&D, deployment, and potential use of LAWS in combat, the implications of U.S. competitors and adversaries doing the same, and whether this category of weapons and technologies should face more rigorous scrutiny and oversight by an international treaty or agreement.
As a social enterprise deeply committed to mitigating conflict and enhancing stability and sustainability around the globe, Motive International recognizes the urgency of helping policymakers and strategists better understand both the opportunities and threats that LAWS pose to US national security and to regional and global conflict mitigation. Motive is launching a new initiative to help U.S. policymakers, strategists, and other stakeholders better understand the technical, policy, operational, diplomatic, and ethical dimensions that LAWS present, identify gaps in understanding, and frame the policy and operational choices decision-makers will need to consider in the months and years ahead to ensure these technologies promote rather than undermine global peace and stability.
As we develop this initiative, Motive is pleased to recommend to our community of interest the following key reports and resources related to LAWS and related technologies that are shaping how we are thinking about this important topic:
“Defense Primer: U.S. Policy on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems”, Congressional Research Service, December 2020
“Autonomous weapons are a game-changer”, The Economist, January 2018
U.S. (DOD and State Department) Policy and NATO Perspectives
“AI Principles: Recommendations on the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence by the Department of Defense”, Defense Innovation Board, October 2019
“Conducting Article 36 Legal Reviews for Lethal Autonomous Weapons”, Jared Cochrane, Journal of Science Policy & Governance, April 2020
Statement by the U.S. Delegation to the UN CCW Group of Government Experts (GGE), March 2019
US Government Response to UN CCW GGE Virtual Dialogue on LAWS
NATO: Science & Technology Trends 2020-2040: Exploring the S&T Edge
NATO: “Autonomous Systems: Issues for Defence Policymakers”
UN Views and Diplomatic Discussions
“International Discussions Concerning Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems”, Congressional Research Service, October 2020
The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) Report on “Unlocking the Black Box” of autonomous decision-making
Report of the 2019 session of the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems, September 2019
Think Tank Reports on LAWS Development and Risks
“Redefining Human Control: Lessons from the Battlefield for Autonomous Weapons”, Center for Naval Analyses, March 2018
Who’s Prone to Drone? A Global Time-Series Analysis of Armed Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Proliferation, Michael Horowitz, October 2020
The Risks of Autonomous Weapons Systems for Crisis Stability and Conflict Escalation in Future U.S.-Russia Confrontations, Burgess Laird, June 2020, RAND blog
NGO Argument to Ban LAWS
“Human Rights Watch (HRW) argument in favor of a Treaty to Ban LAWS” June 2020
A Pathway to Systemic Stability: Applying Motive’s Transforming Crisis Systems (TCS) to Colombia’s Venezuelan Migrant Crisis
The current mass exodus of Venezuelans fleeing violence, economic collapse, and political instability in their home country is the largest migratory movement in Latin American history. Desperate to identify more effective and holistic policy and programmatic options to address the Venezuelan Migrant crisis, stakeholders in the region have expressed a need for a systems-level analysis to inform better strategies. This need inspired our team to conduct desk-based and in-country research relying on the rigorous and participatory Transforming Crisis Systems (TCS) approach.
Dismantling Afghanistan's Opium Empire: How the heroin-rich Taliban could become the world's most ironic counter-narcotics champion
Since the toppling of their regime in 2001, the Taliban have demanded recognition from Kabul as a legitimate political actor in a country where they enjoy substantial support among segments of the population, not least for for the economic and infrastructural systems they helped cultivate and on which nearly all rural Afghans depend. The Taliban have a near monopoly on a global commodity representing a $4 billion dollar a year industry that necessitates the sustainment of elaborate supply chains: opium. But a deeper conflict analysis foretells a future in which the Taliban could soon be incentivized not only to walk away from its lucrative drug empire but become an ardent counter-narcotics partner to the Kabul government and its international backers.
The Power of Civ-Mil Partnerships in Fragile State Development: A CSIS Panel Discussion Featuring Motive CEO Morgan Keay
In May 2017, Motive CEO Morgan Keay was a featured panelist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) at an event entitled “The Role of Multi-Sector Partnerships in the New Development Era.” CSIS hosted this half-day event at the start of the Trump Administration when U.S. foreign assistance budgets faced significant cuts. The panel Morgan spoke on was asked to explore creative options to better leverage capital – financial or otherwise – through cross-sector partnerships, specifically in conflict-affected and fragile states.
Opening her remarks with the statement, “Conflict affects all sectors of society and therefore takes all sectors of society to address." Morgan confronted an idea considered to be heretical by many in the international development and diplomacy communities: expanded partnerships with the military can advance development and humanitarian goals. To make the case, Morgan offered a story about a real-world case study: a World Bank-funded road construction project through the heart of extremist-affected territory in West Africa’s Lake Chad Basin. This example illustrates what happened when local civil society, the host country’s military, and the U.S. military came together around a violence-plagued infrastructure project to transform human security in the region.
Civ-Mil Cooperation up Close: Fitting in at a U.S. Embassy for Newly-Assigned Military Personnel
Military personnel facing a first TDY or assignment to a U.S. Embassy abroad are often concerned about how they will fit in, and more importantly, succeed in an unfamiliar environment. It is true that a typical U.S. Embassy works very differently from the Pentagon, Fort Bragg, or Naval Base Coronado. But you don’t need an Enigma machine to crack the diplomatic code and find success; all it takes is a little background and preparation. As an FSO for 35 years who retired as U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie spent the majority of his career working closely with U.S. military personnel from all services and many specialties, both in Washington and at posts abroad and offers insights to help empower incoming military personnel to transition smoothly into diplomatic culture.
Ender’s Movement : Shifting Military Mindsets to Cultivate Creative Changemakers
Start with the end in mind.” “Know your enemy.” “No plan survives first contact.” We’ve all heard the adages yet struggle to live by them when tackling problems as complex as global conflict and instability. I have engineers, so I’ll try to stabilize country X through infrastructure projects. I have XYZ resources and authorities, so that’s how I’ll tackle this mission. Once I know my commander’s guidance and the plan produced by MDMP, I must stay the course. All of these familiar soundbites run counter to the truisms above. They start with tasks instead of purpose or ends. They focus on one’s own assets and agenda but ignore those of the harder-to-know adversary. And they resist the imperative to adapt. In matters of war and peace, such myopia, ignorance of the unknown, and intractability are more than inadequate…they are deadly. Yet the antidote to these pitfalls is not better intelligence, flashy analytic software, or a new and improved planning methodology as it sometimes called for. It is something deceptively simpler: a mindset shift.
Shaping Authority in the Human Domain: Transforming Civil Affairs’ Aperture on Governance.
The term ‘governance’ recently re-emerged across the Civil Affairs Regiment, appearing on new Mission Essential Task Lists in the SOF component, in updated regiment-wide doctrine and publications and as a reinvigorated topic of concept and capability development.01 Governance is not new to CA. The regiment’s roots are in Military Government in post-World War I and World War II theatres, and more recently in state-building endeavors, including in Iraq and Afghanistan. Indeed, images of CA forces executing technocratic, essential service projects in support of governments-in-transition is often the first image that comes to mind when one thinks of governance in the military context. This image is problematic.
From Precedent, Possibility: New Models for "Whole of Society" Foreign Policy
Fragile and conflict-affected regions of the world threaten not only U.S. national security, but the stability and prosperity of markets and society. If we accept that governments, businesses, and citizens all stand to gain by addressing global crises, then a “whole-of-society” approach to U.S. foreign policy should be the norm. Yet in practice, full-spectrum, civil-military (civ-mil), public-private collaboration remains ad hoc and sub-optimized. This is especially true for U.S. engagements in the world’s trickiest places, namely fragile and conflict-affected regions. With the Trump Administration still forming its global strategies and re-shaping how resources and roles are arranged for U.S. foreign policy, comes an opportunity to re-imagine how stakeholders collaborate in countries facing crises. In light of proposed foreign assistance cuts, an expanding defense budget, and a more commercially-inclined Administration, civilian, military, public, and private actors may in fact have no choice but to leverage their comparative advantages like never before.
Finding Ender: Exploring the Intersections of Creativity, Innovation, and Talent Management in the U.S. Armed Forces
Current national-level strategic documents exhort the need for creativity and innovation as a precondition of America’s continued competitive edge in the international arena. But what does that really mean in terms of personnel, processes, and culture? This paper argues that an overlooked aspect of talent management, that of cognitive diversity, must be considered when retooling military talent management systems. Going one step further, talent management models must incorporate diversity of both skill set and mindset into their calculus. Specifically, the Department of Defense (DOD) needs to recruit, retain, and utilize Servicemembers and civilians with higher than average levels of creativity and a propensity for innovative thinking. It needs “enders.”
Supporting the Trickiest Task: How Civil Affairs Can Bring Essential and Missing Capabilities to Geographic Combatant Command’s Mandate to Prevent Conflict
This paper, a collaboration between Motive CEO Morgan Keay and US Army Civil Affairs Major Clay Daniels, was originally published in The Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute’s quarterly journal Volume 3, 2016-17 Civil Affairs Issue Papers: Leveraging Civil Affairs, alongside other the winning papers from 2016 Civil Affairs Association's Annual Symposium.
Beyond "The Kremlin Playbook": recommended reading on Russian influence operations
Published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in 2016, “The Kremlin Playbook” was a prescient warning about Russia’s goals and tactics with regard to influence operations in central and eastern Europe. It has since become an indispensable reference to those working unravel the machinations of contemporary Russian influence. However, as IO campaigns have intensified, so has the examination of policy and technical tools to identify such campaigns and their sources, defend against them, and build more resilience around US institutions and election infrastructure. For those interested in deepening their understanding of the threat and potential responses, Motive SME Instructor and emerging technologies expert Geoff Odlum offers his recommendations of additional think-tank resources and reports.
Meet Motive’s Resident Diplomat: Geoff Odlum
Motive’s CEO, Morgan Keay, sat down with fellow Motive instructor and Subject Matter Expert (SME) Geoff Odlum to discuss working with Motive after nearly three decades as a U.S. diplomat, how emerging technologies are shaping global peace and security, and options for bridging the civil-military divide.
Social Contracts on NATO’s Front Line: Motive’s SCAT Helps Reveal Policy Dilemmas and Practical Opportunities
In April and May of 2019, a team of Motive International experts composed of Dr. Salamah Magnuson, Morgan Keay and Kimberly Metcalf conducted an investigation of societal dynamics in Estonia through in-country field research focused on social cohesion and national security. The purpose of this initiative was to apply Motive’s Social Contract Assessment Tool (SCAT), a framework designed to identify and characterize social institutions and the sources of legitimacy that underpin them in transitioning or threatened societies in order to inform policies, plans and activities to mitigate threats and promote stability.
U.S. Hegemony is in Decline, So What?
In answer to question of what alliance structure would be “most appropriate for the US interests in the 21st Century?” Morgan Keay, CEO of Motive International, asserts that the U.S. must move towards “cross-sectorism”. In order to constructively compete with the rising influence of China and the European Union, and prevent armed conflicts, the U.S. must develop systems for stronger integration of diplomatic, commercial, humanitarian and military efforts.
Watch the video of the complete discussion, and learn more about Motive’s Transforming Crisis Systems course, offering integrative conflict mitigation strategies for military operations.